A microinsurance training programme for
business development managers, pricing
specialists and senior executives from insurance
companies, brokers and distribution channels
involved in microinsurance product
development, business modelling and pricing.
Course Overview
Insurance, if well designed and delivered appropriately can provide win-win-win propositions
for insurers, clients and the policyholders. Insurance can also contribute to social-economic
development while providing value and profits for investors. To design appropriate insurance
products, providers need to build their skills on how to get the products and business models
right. Indeed, most microinsurance providers see the need for increased understanding and
expertise in pricing their products.
This is an intensive and interactive 5-days executive introductory course to the microinsurance
business case and covers all the essential elements of microinsurance business that insurance
professionals need to know to get started. The course covers, definition of microinsurance,
microinsurance demand assessment, market segmentation, product development, distribution,
business viability client value and organisational development. This course is a foundation course
for anyone interested in microinsurance. The content in this course is evidence based and draws
from real case studies and extensive research conducted by microinsurance experts.