ResilientME! is a game designed by AB Consultants to demystify risk management and insurance in a way that is fun and engaging.
ResilientME! enables participants to engage with insurance without purchasing it and promises to demystify insurance for you!

Let's tally up our impact and celebrate the progress we've made!
Microentrepreneurs and farmers educated on insurance through ResilientME! directly across Africa.
Indirect awareness through media awareness campaigns, in Sudan in partnership with Syngenta Foundation
Projected number of people who will be trained through ResilientME! in 2023. this will be through various ongoing projects
Organizations that have experienced the game across Africa

ResilientME! Footprints across Africa

Played by teachers in Rwanda through Umwalimu Sacco. Resulted in new products being developed for teachers and ongoing uptake of the products.

Played by microentrepreneurs in business clinics in the greater Accra area in Ghana. Being used by the commissioner of insurance for consumer education.

ResilientME! is being used to train over 40,000 small holder farmers in Sudan on insurance.

ResilientME! is being used by Hollard Mozambique to educate MSMEs through banking channels.

Currently being used by two NGOs to educate microentrepreneurs and small holder farmers in Kenya
Mkulima Version
- We have tailored ResilientME! to accommodate financial services, risks and insurance products relevant to small holder farmers
- The game simulates regular life experiences, but introduces risks related to crops and livestock such as uncontrolled pests & diseases, poor harvest due to drought, hailstorms, frost, excessive rainfalls and accidental death of livestock.
- We also worked with two insurers (APA and CIC) to incorporate their agriculture products into the game and in Sudan with Syngenta Foundation
MSMEs Version
- We have tailored ResilientME! to accommodate financial services, risks and insurance products relevant to microentrepreneurs.
- The game simulates regular life experiences, but introduces risks related to those faced by MSMEs such as fire, floods and theft at their business premises.
- We have previously worked with Hand in Hand EA to educate their aggregated microentrepreneur cohorts on insurance. This exercise led to market research, product design and eventual uptake of products by these microentrepreneurs.

What our players have to say
We at Hand in Hand EA find ResilientME! really wholesome for people who want to train on risk and risk management and financial inclusion at
large. I love the way ResilientME! brings out issues to do with savings, money management, life, the situations life presents and how one can get
themselves organized as a business and as an individual.
It also goes without saying that it is a fun tool hence delivering it is not that hard. I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was for the groups or the
trainees to understand and follow and at the end of the game voice what their learnings which is great.
Lucy Kerei
Project Manager, HAND IN HAND EA
The game provided a picture of the unfortunate events that could happen in life. The micro-entrepreneurs were able to quickly relate to them
without having to imagine what risks could happen. I could literally feel the pain of losing the money as if it were real so I felt the impact of the game. I am sure those present shared the same experience.
Micro and Small Business Clinics, Accra Ghana.
I wish I had been exposed to such a board game when I was a child (age 8 yrs plus), a teenager or when I started my first job. We have all played Monopoly and understood the value of Investments, but ResilientMe is on a different level and above Monopoly purely for it's real-life scenarios and situations. ``The cards that life deals you``.
I went to the game very confident that being an adult I knew it all, but after round one and being hit with a sudden marriage which in my case could be the wedding of my daughter or son, I was immediately in the red. Then I got sick in round two. All of a sudden real-life anxieties started kicking in and as much as I was pretending to be ok, the next round hit with every utility bill. It was when my daughter came to my rescue by lending me money to salvage my situation, that I started to see through the clouds...ResilientMe is the game of the future and should be a compulsory board game at school as part of Social Studies. Every graduate starting a new job should have played this game.
Tom Nyeko

For more information:
AB Entheos
P. O. Box 4067 – 00200
Nairobi, Kenya
+254 792 294 018